fabu is a full service Sales & Marketing company based on creativity. Simply put... we believe Marketing is a function of Sales, and when they work together, everything is fabu!
We create innovative campaigns, training and strategies that marry Sales & Marketing that leave your employees, prospects and clients saying... wow, fabu!
Marketing Strategy
We love to challenge the status quo... Digital marketing is here to stay,
but what else can we do to get your clients and future clients excited
about doing business with you. Invite us in for a meeting and learn
how we like to mix it up!

We love to bring the Sales and Marketing teams together
for a fun filled day of 'prospecting!' There seems to be a pink elephant in most offices, sales and marketing just don't get along! Ok maybe that's harsh, but we think we can help them play better together and actually learn to rock 'lead generation' as a tag team. Let us show you how!
Prospect Training

Event Generation
It's the all new Lead Generation... one of the hardest parts of business is finding those qualified leads and making them convert. We call it 'Event Generation' at fabu because we want to 'create an event' when the prospect receives your hook! The more creative you are, the more of an event you will create. They will want to talk about tt to everyone they know... Sounds intriguing, get in touch!

Corporate Events
We definitely do love creating campaigns that result
in affairs to remember. Whether you want to create a shared experience between employees, reward hard work, or invite prospects to a memorable experience, we can turn your celebration into an exciting occasion that your clients and employees will talk about for years to come.